Sunday, March 18, 2012

I watched a man eat a tunnel

I watched a man eat a tunnel.
His underwear sagged,
Nostrils sang songs about
What it was.
What was it?
Was it?!

I had forgot that when
Horses get impaled little
Girls eat arms from a
Worn coat. Elbow patches
Dripping from their mouths,

She looked like James Joyce in that kangol hat.
I didn't know what it was called until right now.
Shirt tucked, patterned in squares, pants tight,
Body slimmed from all the exercise of her mouth.

He fell in love, but know she's grown,
Developed, dispatched women from grief,
And I saw her once.
Gave her a good impression, know that was a
Lie. I'm not good. I'm not the crab scuttling,
But she'll never connect the cable, and I'll
Keep up the lies until she forgets, assuming
She cared enough to remember.

Massive wheeled boxes skid
Into the blank cylinders
Left by the nostrils
That sang above
Saggy briefs.

He poured that black sap
Onto the sidewalk.
The colt hollowed,
Aged women watched as
I lied about what
I saw. It couldn't
Be helped.

Claws on coral,
Androgyny, and
Knowing knowledge
Is hopeless.


  1. "girls eat arms of worn coats. elbow patches dripping from their mouths,"

    I'm going to let this be my ember of inspiration today, repeating it like a mantra.

    1. it should take you to entirely unknown realms of experience
