He couldn’t believe his luck. What were
the chances that he’d tune in, right now, at this very moment, when there was
only a quarter of an hour left? It was uncanny. Not only would he receive the
additional fruit-sized attachments for free, but, if he called within the next
fifteen minutes, he’d also receive the juicing attachment, a thirty-dollar
value, for only fifty cents! He picked up the cordless from the kitchen
counter, eyeing the bowl of fruits and vegetables that would soon be expertly
sliced, diced, and juiced in the blink of an eye, and, heart racing, dialed the
toll-free number. He fell asleep thinking of preparing fruit for the pretty
After exactly eight hours he woke up.
That’s how much you were supposed to sleep and that’s how much he slept, every
night, to achieve optimal physical and mental health and performance. Ten
minutes were then devoted to Good Thoughts, a trick he’d learned two months
before on Good Morning America. Five were devoted to stock phrases the show had
supplied, which he’d luckily remembered after being tipped off to always have a
blank tape in the VCR, just in case. From memory he went through the list: today
will be a beautiful day, because I am a beautiful person; not all days can be
the greatest day, but every day can be a great day, and today is no exception;
there is no greater joy than spreading joy; the people I will meet today are
complicated and caring individuals, no matter the specifics of our interaction,
and I must give them the benefit of the doubt; the world is becoming a better
place, as long as people, first and foremost myself, do their part to create
happiness and encourage understanding. After repeating this list twice (in
order to not let the later affirmations outweigh the earlier) he began his own
individual list, using some of the Suggested Guidelines for Forming Positivity:
I will not let unkind individuals break my spirit; I am unique and gifted;
sticks and stones can break my bones but words will never hurt me; Jesus Christ
is my personal lord and savoir; a penny saved is a penny earned; don’t count
your eggs before they hatch; and his favorite, picked up before the VHS tip,
and therefore from a forgotten source: be the change you want to see. Maybe
this had something to do with what You’re Them meant.
After turning off the Deluxe Noise Lite
white noise generator he did his morning stretches, flossed and brushed, and
ran his bath water, calibrating the thermometer beforehand to avoid mistake, as
water that was too hot stunted growth and contributed to hair loss. While the
tub filled he drank one cup of orange juice, ate two bananas and one bran
muffin (counting as he chewed for proper digestive efficiency), and took his
medication last, as the bottle suggested (Take two pills daily following a
light meal). The nausea the medicine had been producing was fading lately, a
fact he attributed to his Good Thoughts and the kind words of Dr. Sylvia Hui,
who mentioned it might be rough at first, but would ultimately balance out, and
he’d feel much better in the long run.
It’s good to get out of the house, he
knows, so every morning he went for a walk to the nearby park. It wasn’t the
most beautiful day but it was a beautiful day. In the small satchel he switched
from shoulder to shoulder, to avoid back pain, he has supplies. Necessaries.
Two bottles of filtered water, a pear, sunblock, hand sanitizer, an umbrella (while
it’s not likely it’ll rain this weekend, John, there’s always a chance here in
Portland), a BLT hold the B (Meat is Murder he saw on a shirt), a book—today’s
is The Snow Leopard by Peter Matthiessen,
a recommendation from the pretty girl at the book store—the cell-phone Mom made
him carry, and, of course, his first aid kid, which reminded him that he needed
to get his CPR certification renewed ASAP, because you never know. He smiled at
everyone as they walked past, in a calculated way that he was taught is not overly
friendly. A large man passed by and said, “How’s it going, sir?”
and thanks,” he responded. “How are you?”
thanks,” said the large man, who kept moving on.
welcome,” he said. “Have a nice day.”
large man didn’t respond but he didn’t take it to heart. It happened a lot, and
you never know what’s going on in a stranger’s life. Halfway through the park
he found a spot in the sun, but near the shade and restrooms, and sprawled in
the grass, where he relaxed his body while sipping water. A dog from a family
nearby came sniffing, and he yelled for permission before petting. It was
granted and the dog was very soft but not entirely clean. When it left he
applied a small layer of hand sanitizer after rubbing a capful of water between
his hands. The day’s agenda was to read in the park until one, alternating
between sunlight and shade, then to head back to the book store where the
pretty lady worked, since she did say to let her know how he liked it, then
he’d stop by Trader Joe’s and get home in time for Dr. Phil and the evening
news, because the effective citizen is the informed one. After the news he’d
make dinner from the recipe list Mom left for the kitchen and maybe read more,
depending on if he had found nothing to watch on TV, since lately everything is
so violent or dirty, and he knows if you watch too much of that stuff you can
become desentized to it.
He was trying to figure out what to
tell the pretty lady about the book, because he didn’t know if he liked it.
Well, he didn’t finish it either, but it made him uncomfortable and sad for
some reason, so he couldn’t. He couldn’t figure out why the man, Peter, would
leave his kids behind and risk his life just for some pictures. The Snow
Leopard was beautiful he knew, he’d seen pictures, but the kids seemed more
important. Being a father was important, and the more he thought about it the more
it bothered him. He felt like maybe he had kids once, but that wasn’t possible,
because he wouldn’t leave them. Children are precious. Children are angels. And
so he didn’t know what to tell her, the pretty lady, because she’d called it profound,
which the dictionary made sound important. He thought about lying but knew it
wasn’t right, only the little white ones that Dr. Sylvia Hui told him about
using and when it was okay. He didn’t want to be slapped or hurt again, like
that time in Safeway when the big woman knocked him down, and all he did was say
the truth.
when you use a white lie,” said Dr. Sylvia Hui. “When telling the truth might
be seen as hurtful to someone or yourself. You have to imagine that you’re
part always confused him. You’re them. He had to ask her about it.
when you put yourself in their shoes for a while,” she’d said. “Just think on
it, okay?”
told her okay and he did, think on it, but it still made no sense, and since
Dr. Sylvia Hui didn’t bring it up again and not being able to figure it out
made him feel bad, which wasn’t good, he decided to not mention it anymore. It
was a little white lie he guessed, because thinking about it hurt him, and
that’s when you used them.
Before entering Barnes and Noble he
took The Snow Leopard from his
satchel and made sure the receipt was there. He found it folded neatly in the
back of the book, and slid it into his front pocket carefully, making sure not
to wrinkle it or drop it on the ground where it might get wet or blow away. It
had happened before and the young mean cashier—no, that wasn’t fair, he had to
be fair—the young new cashier had refused to take the book back, even though he
explained about the receipt and how it had only been five days (return books within
7 days for full credit) and how he had been going there for years. He was
crying by the time the manager he knew showed up and did the refund for him,
helping him out of the store by his arm and telling him to come back the next
day when he felt better. It was warm in a good way inside. He always felt good
here. The lighting, the smell of the coffee he never drank but loved to
breathe, the rows of all those books, all those stories. You can never get a
friend as good as a book, one of his bookmarks said. But he thought dog’s were
man’s best friends? In the store he liked looking at the back of the DVD’s,
too, but he couldn’t bring them back like the books if he opened them, and plus
they were too expensive and he didn’t have a player anyway. The checks he got
from Chrysler each month were enough to get by but not enough for DVD’s, and he
liked his VCR anyway because he heard the DVD one couldn’t record. He made his
way to the front counter and, using his receipt, did the return.
there anything wrong with the book?” the girl had to ask.
just upset me.”
she said. “We can only give you a gift card, though.”
great. You can combine it with this one if you want,” he said smiling. She was
pretty but not pretty like the pretty girl. He came here with Mom one time
hoping she could meet the pretty girl but she was off that day, is what Tim
told him. Tim worked with the pretty girl in the café section, and he knew
Tim’s name but not the pretty girl’s. Since he had been coming here he never
knew any of the girl’s names because none of them wore nametags. Some of the
boys wore nametags, though. Like Tim. He liked Tim alone but he didn’t like how
Tim was sometimes when the pretty girl was there. How Tim would sometimes touch
her arm or say something quiet in her ear and make her laugh. One time Tim said
something in her ear and they both looked at him and then the pretty girl’s
mouth fell open and she hit Tim in the arm. He knew Tim had said something he
shouldn’t have about him and that the pretty girl had defended him. He wanted
to be mad at Tim but he knew he had to forgive and forget so he let go. Even if
Tim wasn’t being nice he knew not to let unkind individuals break his spirit. He
wondered if she loved him too. It was hard to know. She was the only girl he
had ever loved, he thought. Maybe before there was one but he couldn’t remember
and it made him feel sick when he tried and gave him headaches. He didn’t like
the idea that there could have been anyone else. He was saving himself for the
pretty girl and her alone, and he didn’t like it when other girls would look at
him or touch him. Love is a two-way street. Like last month when Mom brought
Jan and Casey over. Jan and Casey were Mom’s young friends, sisters, and they
loved him very much and he loved them too. They would come over with Mom and
talk sometimes and even play card games or look at a picture. But last month
one night when they were over he started feeling strange again and had to lie
down. He must have fallen asleep but when he woke up Jan was sitting on the bed
next to him in the dark and she was touching his head, smoothing the hair back by
his scar. She was breathing funny and it scared him that she was touching him. No
one can touch you if you don’t want them to he’d heard on Dr. Phil. He rolled
over real quick and Jan jumped up and left the room and then left the apartment.
Mom wasn’t there when he got out of bed, and neither was Casey.
The pretty girl was working today. He
never knew when because she didn’t seem to work every day and it was only in
the middle of the day and on some days he had to see Dr. Sylvia Hui at that
time. He wished he didn’t have to go there but it is important to see your
doctor on a regular basis and both Mom and Dr. Sylvia Hui insisted. They said
it would help with his headaches and when he felt strange. It is important to
remember, Mom always told him. He had to get his courage up before talking to
her so he went to the section called Relationships and Marriage and looked at
the spines of the books. He found the one he liked most and opened it to page
76: “Navigating the single world, we know, is never easy, and dating can be
scary! But God did not put us here to be afraid of one another; he put us here
to love one another. And sometimes we meet a person randomly and feel a
connection. It’s important of course to be aware of just what that connection
is, though. God wants us to love each other, but he wants us to love each other
first and foremost with our hearts, rather than our bodies.” He breathed deeply
and closed his eyes and counted to ten. He kept reading: “So when you meet a
stranger that might be that special someone you must first decide that it is
with your heart that you want to love them. Once this is established you can
use without fear these following techniques:
1) Strike
up a conversation. It’s important to do this only if convenient for both
persons. Especially if they are in a situation that requires focus, like a
workplace, or with other people.
2) Be
confident. If you have love in your heart you can be assured that you have a
home in His heart. And if you have the Savior in your heart, and have ensured
yourself saved for access to His Eternal Kingdom of Heaven, what have you to be
afraid of? The answer is nothing. BE CONFIDENT.
3) Be
honest. No love can be built on lies, no matter how unappealing or even boring
the truth may seem. Do not make yourself something you are not. You are perfect
the way you are, as long as you act according to His rules and scriptures.
stopped reading there. He felt good, strong, ready, confident. Be the change
you want to see. He walked to the café.
It all happened so fast, just like they
always say on TV. One minute everything was great and he was talking to the
pretty girl and he finally asked her her name and she told him it was
Carrie—Carrie!—and then he told her about the book and she said it was okay and
that it isn’t for everyone and he said thanks and that he’d like to see her
outside of work sometime because he only ever saw her at work and Carrie said
that sounded nice and so he waited outside for her and she told him she was
going to the bench nearby and he asked if he could come and she said it was
okay but that she wouldn’t be there that long and so they walked to the bench
together and it was the best time he ever had and he asked how old she was and
she said twenty-three and he said he was forty-eight but he knew deep down it
didn’t matter because age ain’t nothing but a number and when they sat down he
said he wanted to know her and understand her and she said that was nice of him
and so when she took out a cigarette and started smoking it he didn’t know why
because tobacco is a tumor causing, teeth staining, smelling, puking habit and he
told her and she laughed and said that’s what she heard too but that she had
just worked all day and she needed to relax and the cigarette helped. And then
she said it was an eight-hour day and this cigarette feels like Heaven, put
yourself in my shoes and she stared at him and he didn’t know what to do
because she looked so serious and she didn’t say anything else. And he
remembered that this is what Dr. Sylvia Hui had said, too, that to understand
someone you need to put on their shoes and so that’s what he tried to do. But
when he pulled off the first of Carrie’s shoes and started to try to force it
onto his foot, which was much too big, she jumped up and asked him what he was doing
and he told her he was trying to be her and then she started to walk away
before he even got to her other shoe and he didn’t know why so he got up, one
of her pink shoes pulled halfway onto his foot, and tried to follow her but she
walked fast back toward the bookstore and he didn’t know why so he ran after
her but tripped and when he got to the Barnes and Noble a minute later a cop
came out and told him to stop right there and then Carrie came out behind the
cop with Tim. And so he took the pink shoe off his foot and when we he went to
give her shoes back the cop blocked him and when he twisted away he fell onto
the ground and he hurt his arm and he was scared and then he was running and
the cop was chasing him and knocked him down again and he hurt his arm more and
he was crying and yelling and then he was at the police station and it seemed
like forever before Mom and Jan and Casey were there and they all hugged and
cried and then they took him to the hospital, because it is important to see
your doctor on a regular basis, and then home.
Mom told him he was too old to do
things like that. They were sitting at the table together, all four of them,
and Mom and Jan and Casey were drinking coffee and he had some green tea, the
healthiest drink you can have: 4,000 years of Chinese history can’t be wrong.
He told Mom he was only going to try to do what he was told by Dr. Sylvia Hui
to do and then Casey asked him if he’d been taking his medicine every day and
he told her yes. Then she looked at Jan and Jan looked like she was going to
cry and said she was going to go to the bathroom. Mom asked him if he’d been
trying to remember and he said he had but didn’t know for sure because she
wouldn’t tell him what to remember because it was something he had to do on his
own. When Jan came back she asked him if they could look at a picture again and
though he didn’t like to do it he said okay because sometimes it’s important to
forget about what you want and do what will make others happy, even though the
pictures only seemed to make everyone feel worse. Jan opened her bag and took
out a big photo and put it on the table. It was one he’d seen before and he
didn’t like it. He clenched and unclenched his hands and Jan slid the picture
over to in front of him and no one said anything. The picture was a red truck,
a Chrysler!, and in front of it he saw himself standing there. He was younger
than he was now and it was strange to see him look like that. But that’s not
what bothered him. What bothered him was the woman standing next to him and
that he had his arm around her and that he was holding a girl that looked like
Jan and the woman was holding another baby bundled in pink.
do you see?” asked Casey.
me,” he said.
said Casey. “Anything else?”
he said, pointing at the girl he held. “It looks like you, Jan.”
said Jan smiling. “It is me.”
else?” asked Casey.
looked at the woman and the baby and the red truck, shining. His stomach
started to hurt more and his hands hurt from clenching them and then it started
in his head and he closed his eyes and moaned. Mom said that’s enough for now
and then she helped him to the room and put a wet rag on his head and rubbed
his arm. Casey and Jan watched him from the doorway and their eyes were so blue
and heavy. Mom told him to close his eyes and rest and he did and he fell
He woke up sometime in the night and
went into the living room. Under the couch he found his favorite tape and put
it in the VCR. It was a tape by Chrysler, and it is, after Carrie, the mot
beautiful thing in the world. In has a man with a beautiful voice, a strong
voice, walking down a dark tunnel. The man seems familiar to him, reminds him
of something long ago about guns but he can’t remember. He talks about the teams
in locker rooms and what will happen in the second half. He says It’s half-time
in America, too and there are beautiful images of the city and the country, and
the country looks so pretty and the city does too in a scary way. He says we’re
all scared because this isn’t a game. He says it seems we’ve lost our heart at
times and we have. Sometimes he feels so sad and like there’s nothing good,
even with his Good Thoughts. There are beautiful pictures of families in black
and white and strong-looking firefighters. He says that’s what we do. We find
our way through tough times and when we can’t find our way we make one. Then
there’s a beautiful road and a girl in a car that looks like the pretty girl,
looks like Carrie, and he says all that matters now is what’s ahead. And it’s
true. He doesn’t feel it completely right now but he knows it’s true. There are
more beautiful things like pristine machines and gleaming cars and this is when
he usually has to fight the tears, but tonight they’ve already come flowing
down his face and his eyes burn and he has to wipe them away and his nose
begins to run. Then the man comes out of the shadows finally and you see his
face, a strong face, and he says Yeah. It’s half-time, America. And our second half’s
about to begin. And it’s true. Our second half. It’s something we share,
something we’re all together in. Maybe this is what You’re Them really means. And
then the strong and familiar man walks away and the music fades and the picture
goes black and the tape ends and the static comes on. And then he rewinds it.
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